frank life

Thursday, May 24, 2007

There's Always Enough

Still playing with this new AWESOME camera.
The thing I DON'T like about it is:
the time spent editing.
I can take hundreds of photos without even thinking.
But then I have to look through ALL of them.
Live and Learn!
There, there.
Now, now.
I'll get used to it.

Pictures of Dexter BreakDancing!
Coming Soon!

The Saga Continues...

more from this digital thingy-
keepin' it real
bein' distracted-
distracted is real-
gotta gotta steal
my booty home.

bathroom door.

from my car.

BK comtemplating work in the morn.

Dad and his paper.

Caught this while passing and not looking at 30 mph. Truly point and shoot.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Righteous D-Bird

I got a Canon 30D. It feels so weird. I don't have to wait as long to see my shots. It feels . . . almost TOO easy . . .

Aurora Snowglobe! Fitting!

Coffee Table Monkey Bandit Covers Face of Silly Model.

I found this in a trailer at the Gravel Pit. Now I play sometimes.

The Drums.

Precious Drums.

This took a Fourth (1/4!) of the time it takes me to shoot, process, WAIT, correct and post FILM. (I am slow)
Granted, I did no corrections to these, but still!!!
My Point Being:
Even though the Digital is NICE, I gotta say: FUCK DIGITAL!!! FILM FOR LIFE!!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Just to Do It. (for the #@$& of it)

I was using me old Canon AE-1 the other day with a roll of Walgreen's 100 ISO color film
just to "sketch" or rather to "take pictures".
"For the Hell of It" as peo-pole say.
I had nothing partcular in mind whilst shooting.
Also because my "best" camera was held hostage by terrorists.
Don't worry, it is gladly safe now.
The terrorists are thinking about what they have done as I taught them a lesson.

Lesson Learnt!
If ya wanna see other stuff by me, go to my flickr

Friday, May 18, 2007

one way street

so as the title of this blog goes, I am on that one way street.
I don't feel that I can go any other direction than the one I have begun.
Art. and Photography. Peace.
I keep going through work and taking my time to make it purrrrrrrfect.
AIM is a bad idea when doing your own work. I cannot get many damn things done.
It might be okay if I was getting paid while chatting, like many of my friends,
but right now, I am on my own clock. BooYaa.

This is A Nother photo from Carlyle. Me and U-Dave

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

dude man. man dude.

I am trying to do one million things at once whilst trying to do another one million things at twice.
I have no $money$ job (don't tell my dad)
But the thing is: I can right now
and when else in my life could I do this?
I have no family to support and very little expenses.
"Fuck Work" as my good friend BK always says.
but BK is still working his shit job, whilst I play all day.

Am working on images of mine for new projects.

this is from Carlyle, IL where my Grandparents live.
This is gonna be a pretty big project, seeing as how I have one million negatives from there.

now you know
and as G.I.Joe says,
"knowing is half the battle".