Monday, June 25, 2007
Saturday, June 23, 2007
why the hell not?
everybody else is doing it.
I like the America's way of talking.
Things to get for party: drinks, snacks, toilets
AURORA | Suburb might make hosts rent porta-potties
June 23, 2007
Lawns in Aurora still are used as outdoor restrooms months after public urination was outlawed.
While some aldermen in the far west suburb said the incidence has dropped to a trickle since the practice was outlawed, one aldermen says she constantly receives complaints about partygoers urinating in public.
"I receive calls every single weekend," said Ald. Juany Garza.
The city council adopted a public urination and defecation ban last December. But Garza said she called Aurora police about two weeks ago, at 4:30 a.m., because she received three calls at home from neighbors about partygoers urinating outside.
"Next to my house last year every single weekend, they have a party. The people don't rent a portable toilet," said Garza, whose ward covers the near east side, downtown and part of the near west side. "When they start drinking they start going pee all over . . . they have no respect."
Garza and Ald. Scheketa Hart-Burns have teamed to explore whether the city may require residents hosting large parties to rent portable toilets.
"We probably need a few weeks to really look if other communities have enacted something similar, and see what remedies there might be under the law," city spokesman Carie Ann Ergo said.
Sun-Times News Group
Link to article
Friday, June 22, 2007
Monday, June 18, 2007
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Yes, it is time for the old break-dancing photos I borrowed from Wolf Camera whence I once worked (in this case, I stole them).
I was looking through the trash (as I usually did) and found these 3x5's of a junior high dance and saw some kid on the dirty-ass Jefferson gym floor.
Lo-and-Behold, it was Dexter, younger brother of Luis Torres, a skater and musician friend from High School.
Dexter also skated and played music, that's how I knew-est him.
I think I was in a band with him and Luis and Anthony once also,
but they said I never called them afterwards so it was my fault we dis-banded...
Good Times.
Good Times.
I guess he could break-dance, which I didn't know until I stumbled through the garbage,
but I always learned truth from garbage-picking.
Garbage-Picking: an ancient truth revealer.
Lesson Learnt.

So I had to go to my storage space and search through all my photo shit
'cause some fucking kid I don't ever remember meeting pushed me to find them.
(of course I wanted to also, otherwise I'd say "fuck you buddy")
but thanks fucking kid I don't ever remember meeting,
'cause you made me to relinquish my memories of olden.
oh internet, what will you bring upon me next?
a little sum'n
i saw this on the radiohead page.
this dude is AWESOME!!!
if you like good musix and consider yourself well-versed:
check it out!
i wish this video could be put here but this is the best i can do:
a link
Friday, June 15, 2007
influence of media on nature and anything else
check out what i saw while walking at Nelson Lake.
baby male deer (bambi)

turtle laying eggs (leonardo, michaelangelo, donatello, raphael)

ultra-light (camel product)

Tuesday, June 12, 2007
small skillz=big payoff
I've been trying to get action shots of birds as they fly,
so to UP my skillz for National Geographic.

talon bird

I've also been working on my Head-Shot skillz.

word son!
(see more birds on flickr)
Friday, June 8, 2007
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Songs About Camping
Victor calls me up Friday night and tells me he's going camping,
which I heard about a few weeks ago.
He says he's leaving in a few hours.
I'm like "WHAT!?!
I can't make that!"
So I hitch a ride with Reneè on Saturday.
3 hours later, along with a few detours of lostness
we get there where 13 others or so are. + 29 cameras.
we eat food, drink, drink, shotgun beer, etc.
then it rains and we all congregate in a tent. STANDING ONLY.
it stops raining and we go to one of the sites
and have a dance party, with music provided from our mouths.
Then we drink some more and then
Park Rangers arrive.
They heard us across the park.
So we get busted, mostly because one kid is underage.
$250 ticket.
We don't get tickets (which would be $501 per ticket)
but we get evicted.
By 7AM. we have to get out.
There there.
Now now.
- - - -

but in the morning (cursive)

on the morning of the first eviction


you like?




white light/white heat




i'm a king kong man

check out
while seeing some more