Yes, it is time for the old break-dancing photos I borrowed from Wolf Camera whence I once worked (in this case, I stole them).
I was looking through the trash (as I usually did) and found these 3x5's of a junior high dance and saw some kid on the dirty-ass Jefferson gym floor.
Lo-and-Behold, it was Dexter, younger brother of Luis Torres, a skater and musician friend from High School.
Dexter also skated and played music, that's how I knew-est him.
I think I was in a band with him and Luis and Anthony once also,
but they said I never called them afterwards so it was my fault we dis-banded...
Good Times.
Good Times.
I guess he could break-dance, which I didn't know until I stumbled through the garbage,
but I always learned truth from garbage-picking.
Garbage-Picking: an ancient truth revealer.
Lesson Learnt.

So I had to go to my storage space and search through all my photo shit
'cause some fucking kid I don't ever remember meeting pushed me to find them.
(of course I wanted to also, otherwise I'd say "fuck you buddy")
but thanks fucking kid I don't ever remember meeting,
'cause you made me to relinquish my memories of olden.
oh internet, what will you bring upon me next?
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